Crescunda 16
1 Merchant Taylors’ Prep School Newsletter - 21.06.2019 Welcome from the Head MTP ThisMonth Last week was Expedition Week in Year 3 – 8 and this newsletter will give you an overview of all the di erent visits and activities that took place. Our boys are so lucky to have their education enriched by these meaningful experiences. I am delighted to report that all of the boys behaved exceptionally well and were brilliant ambassadors when away from school. My heartfelt thanks go to the sta who are willing to plan and accompany the boys on these visits and make it so pleasurable for them, even in the rain! Last week, we were also treated to a visit from Cressida Cowell, renowned children’s author, who was very engaging about her experiences as a writer and the process of her books being adapted into films. It was great to be able to invite St. Peter’s School to this presentation. We also had a talk for parents by Dr Kathy Weston about ‘Boys in the Digital Age’ and she was so informative about how to develop children’s resilience in order for them to be able to cope with the world they will eventually experience online. I will definitely invite her back to talk to us again. Congratulations to Aaron Sohal in Y8 who has had his place confirmed at Harrow School. We are really proud of all of our Y8 pupils’ achievements, with 26 going to MTS, 2 to Aldenham, 3 to Harrow and 1 to Mill Hill in September. We only have two weeks left to go until the end of term and I cannot believe that time has gone so quickly. As usual, I will be joining a team of teachers to visit Uganda in the summer holidays to work with schools and orphanages. We will be taking school shoes (for boys and girls) with us and would love it if you are able to donate your son’s or daughter’s school shoes, if you think they have grown out of them. In particular, we struggle to find enough school shoes for older children (size 4 and above) and would be happy to accept adult shoes (plain black) that might be suitable to wear as school shoes. Donations can go to the school oce any time up to the end of term. Dr McNerney | Head of Merchant Taylors’ Prep
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