Crescunda 17

11 Merchant Taylors’ Prep School Newsletter - 05.07.2019 MTP News fromPre-Prep The last weeks of term have been exciting ones for the boys as they finish their topics. At the Manor they enjoyed Minibeast Day with some wonderful costumes from staff and boys alike! Year 1 spent a lovely afternoon discovering how to light a fire and taking a risk to toast a marshmallow. Year 2 used their imagination and perseverance to paint delicate representations of a butterfly wing and observational drawings of tulips. The photographs show their wonderful work. The boys all persevered in a Toddle or Fun Run to raise money for the Jinja Educational Trust and there are some lovely photos of this event on the Charities page. Thank you so much for your generosity in sponsoring the boys and we will bring you news in September about how the money we raised has been put to good use. It is hard to believe that once more we are at the end of an academic year. The time has literally flown by and I am extremely proud of all of the boys’ achievements this year. I would like to say thank you to the boys for rising to every challenge and making such great progress; to the talented team of staff who inspire the boys each day; and to the parents for providing unending support for their children and the school. We had a beautiful Y2 Concert and Presentation of Certificates this week, which was an opportunity to celebrate Y2’s achievements and say farewell to them as they go ‘One More Step’ on their journey to the Prep department. Sadly, there are always goodbyes to say at this time of year and I would like to say farewell and thank you to Miss Leach who is leaving after working so hard for us in Pre-Prep. We will all really miss you! Finally, on behalf of all of the staff, thank you sincerely to parents for their end of year gifts and very kind words about our work. We wish you all a very happy summer! Manor Nursery Blue group on dress up day