Crescunda 34

62 Merchant Taylors’ Prep School Newsletter - 25.03.2022 Bill worked as a games coach and master in charge of football at Northwood Prep in the 1990s, working with Mr Crook and groundsman, Ray. Pupils will be more interested to know that he was a former professional footballer, making 153 appearances for Watford FC between 1953-59. At school, Bill had a great way with pupils and staff and he brought young players to train at school, including an 18 year old Australian called Richard Johnson who went on to play 277 times for Watford (1991-2003)and was another legend of Mr Crook. Bill is pictured far right on the playing fields he loved and we send our condolences to Betty and family on their loss. Andrew Crook MTP InMemoriam Bill Shipwright 22/12/1932 – 18/3/2022