Inspection Reports

We were inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate [ISI] in May 2024. You can read the report by clicking the link below.

We are delighted to have received such a positive report, which is testament to the quality of provision delivered by all our staff every day at school.

This ISI inspection report reads quite differently. ISI no longer uses summary grades such as ‘excellent.’ Instead, there is a judgment for a range of different standards indicating whether those standards were met, or not. All the standards were met in our inspection. Another difference is that the new style of report makes very few references to specific lessons which inspectors observed.

We would like to draw your attention to one paragraph in particular. In paragraph 2 of the inspection document, you will read that ‘Pupil progress is accelerated and their achievements are enhanced by [the way in which MTP teachers give feedback], which is a significant strength of the school.’ The words’ significant strength’ are very rarely used in the new style of ISI report, and are never used about more than one aspect of any report. This comment by the ISI inspectors represents very high praise.