

Geography is everywhere and everywhere is Geography. Within the context of our global community and the themes and concerns which dominate our lives one could easily argue that no academic subject could possibly be more consistently relevant and evolving. This is certainly something which is being reinforced here at Merchant Taylors’ Prep.  
Topic work in Pre-Prep provides every child with a concrete sense of place and a growing understanding of the diverse environment around us. This work then becomes the foundation of the boys' studies in Year 3 and Year 4. Here they begin to extend their mapping skills and start to look more closely at the human and physical processes at work around the world, as well as the ways in which they are related. The subject also reinforces the idea of a global village in which we must show a moral and social understanding of one other. Empathy is a core value of the true geographer. 
In Year 5 to Year 8 practical work, independent learning and superb resources cover a wide range of geographical themes ranging from the physical (tectonics, coastal processes, rivers) to the human (population growth, industry, development) as well as interactions between the two (natural hazards, pollution). At the start of Year 8 all pupils are engaged in field study work which results in a detailed project, allowing them to tie together classroom studies with practical application.  

Having studied such a wide variety of themes and topics, as well as the most recent geographical news, the boys are able to leave Merchant Taylors’ Prep with not only an excellent academic preparation for their next step in education, but more importantly a sense of place and a firm understanding of what a rich and restless world we live in, a world for which they will all be responsible one day.